Monday, June 20, 2011

Brand Positioning Your Life And Career - Part 5

Drive Your Career with a Long-Range Life Purpose. With exponentially advancing technology and people's evolving expectations pointing to new "ways of life", one may find it useful to revitalize or refresh, or even "reinvent" one's "personal brand".

An individual hardly needs to "change personal brands". Unless, he has made any one, or a combination of these four cardinal mistakes: 

(1) Hooking on a specific technology-edge as a USP, that over time has been superceded, or worse, has been made obsolete. 

(2) Creating a "brand positioning" that is centred on a specific profession or job. 

(3) Never knowing the real essence of what "brand positioning" means, and how to go about crafting a "Distinct Global Personal Brand Positioning" (that focuses on addressing emotional and psychosocial concerns). 

(4) Having different sets of vision, and values for different facets of one's Life.

Properly strategized "Personal Brand Positionings" can last many years, and even a lifetime, if only the individual has a good grounding, on what are the key factors that can give "longevity" to a "Personal Brand Positioning".

We shall take you through those key factors, in the further parts of this 15-Part Series on developing a "Distinct Global Personal Brand Positioning".

As a meaningful and significant starting point, for a "Personal Brand Positioning" to enjoy many years of "longevity", two critical routes should be adopted: 

(i) Start with a Life Vision and Life Purpose. 

(ii) Maintain only ONE Overarching Life Vision and set of Values and Personality, and a genuine Social Cause arising from "ideals" or social community values that you passionately "live" them.

This means, a "personal brand" should not just equate your current profession or job.

Are you currently driven by a Life Vision and Life Purpose?